Lisa has loved romance since reading her first romantic short story in a magazine during high school. Since then, she had read thousands of romances, preferring a splash of humor throughout the story line and of course, a happy ending! She began writing stories in her head over twenty years ago and finally decided to open up her laptop and record them. Today, her characters love nothing more to play out their stories while she walks on the beach or is on a airplane - so if you happen to see her in either place, make sure to ask her for introductions to the characters in her next book but be prepared to stop and have a glass of wine with her, as she will undoubtedly want to bounce ideas off of you!
Lisa's family rescued Lady from the 'dog pound' back in the 70's and Bosco soon followed. Today, she has many family members and friends that volunteer at shelters, give their time toward rescue efforts, and are proud owners of rescue dogs. Lisa includes rescue dogs in each book to bring awareness of the love and happiness rescuing can provide you. While she considers Doberman Pinschers to be the true dog love of her life, she is currently the proud mommy of a Boxer, whom she adopted from her elderly parents when they were no longer able to care for her. Lisa hopes to rescue a Doberman Pinscher ...or maybe two someday!
Lisa loves when readers send her photos to her of their rescue dogs with their happy ending stories, so please do!